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2. The beginning of a beautiful ministry...

Updated: Dec 11, 2021

We want to keep you updated at this early stage so that you can stand with us in prayer as we navigate the purchase and transformation of Melton and send her to Madagascar to serve the medical needs in the nation with mobile dental and medical clinics.

Since we sent out our last news, we have been able to establish a legal association in Switzerland, in order to have the correct structure around the vision of YWAM Ships reaching into the french speaking world. We have been blessed with legal advice offered by those who know way more than we do - and the process has been completed and sent to the registre of commerce.

Thank you God for the help we needed at the correct time!

YWAM Ships Switzerland exists to serve in the most isolated and disadvantaged french speaking islands

PHASE ONE - Purchase and Registration of the Melton

Wow - people have been generous and moved mountains in these short weeks since we began to see this vision take shape. Depending on exchange rates as various transfers take place we have so far seen £62,000 come together for the purchase of the boat!!! Thank you to everyone who has given sacrificially to this project.

We ONLY NEED to see £18,000 by the end of November in order to complete the purchase and update some safety equipment before we sail her to Conwy in Wales to begin some transformation over winter.

Keep praying with us over these next days as we trust God for the funding to complete.

The idea began to develop Melton in a way to serve the nation of Madagascar. Working with long term leaders who have already helped establish over 30 primary health care posts on the east coast of Madagascar and have recently started an agriculture project to reach local farmers. This boat would be an amazing tool reaching very isolated villages on the east coast of the island.Below you can find a link to a small video where you will meet our leaders based in Madagascar, Francis and Marielle. They share their hearts for the vision of a ship to serve in the nation and we are partnering with them to see this dream come true.

PHASE TWO - Transportation of Melton to Island Madagascar

In Phase Two of the process we will be looking to deliver the ship after some light transformations, to Madagascar via South Africa.

We will be looking for grants and corporate sponsorship to help with this process and would be grateful for any connections or contacts which you have which you think would be interested to be in partnership with this process.

Please keep praying for us as we continue.

PHASE THREE - Transformation from Melton to Island Mercy

In Phase Three of the process we will be looking to transform the Melton into Island Mercy - this process will be undergone in Madagascar where we have the opportunity to bless the nation by having them outfit as much as possible locally.

Donations in kind of dental and medical equipment can be a great way to help us see this phase completed. Please get in touch is you can help in this phase of the project. We would hope to load donated material in Conwy before the end of March 2022.

Contact if you would like to help in this phase.

Would you consider being a part of this amazing opportunity to impact one of the poorest nations in the world?


The purchase and registration requirements for the Melton have us looking at raising around £80,000 before we can transfer her to Conwy, Wales for the winter on 30thNovember! (Costs reduced by donations in kind)


In Conwy our marine volunteers will prepare her for the long voyage (8,500 miles) and preparations for her transformation into a medical relief vessel. If you would like to volunteer to help please contact

These costs with delivery costs to Madagascar will also require an investment of £100,000 by the beginning of March 2022.


Finally, the installation of medical units, and equipment, many of which we hope will be donated, will need a further estimated investment of £50,000. A bargain for what she will be able to do for the next two decades.

The total estimated cost for the purchase, transformation and refurbishment comes to £230,000.

Please get in touch if you would like further information about our plans or about the ship, we are more than happy to share in this voyage with you as we seek God and partner together for His solutions!

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